Walkington Methodist Church
Minister: Rev. Fran Rhys 01482 882325 email: [email protected]
Steward: Mrs Kathryn Knox 07773 981850
Sunday Club: Mrs Emma Hoban 07701 078760
Church Hall bookings: Mrs Louisa Wardle 07527 925401
Church Services Sunday 1st December 9.30am Mr Graham Butcher Big Breakfast Sunday 8th December 9.30 Mr A McClure Sunday 15th December 6.30pm Carol Service Sunday 22nd December 9.30am TBA Wednesday 25th December Christmas Day 9.30am. Short informal family service Led by Rev. Fran Rhys Sunday 29th December 10.45am Rev. Fran Rhys Service at Norwood |
Church Activities ------------------------------ Sponsored by both Walkington Churches: Every Monday 9-11am TEA, COFFEE, TOAST & TEACAKES In the Methodist Schoolroom Call in any time * a chance to chat * toy corner * access for all No charge, donation if you wish ------------------------------------------------------------ Walkington Methodist Church Big Breakfast Children meet in the schoolroom at 9.30am on the first Sunday in the month for breakfast and fun, joining the congregation in church for the last hymn. Biscuits and drinks follow! An open invitation is extended to all children in the village to join in. Booking is not necessary. Tel 07701 078760 for more infomation ------------------------------------------------------------ Walkington Methodist and All Hallows churches Little Angels For all pre-school children and their carers Methodist Schoolroom Every Friday during term-time 10 - 11.30am Stories, music, craft, refreshments £2 per family Numbers are limited, so please pre-book your session. Contact: Kathryn Knox (number above) ------------------------------------------------------------ The Methodist Church School Room and kitchen facilities are available for private lettings. Suitable for group meetings, lectures, children's parties etc. Contact Louisa Wardle 07527 925401 |