Welcome to Walkington
A very warm welcome to all our visitors: regular, occasional and first timers.
A reminder that links to recent editions of the Walkington Newsletter can be found below - just scroll down. There's lots more information there than can possibly be included in these on-line pages.
Walkington Winter 2024-2025
The first snowdrops are visible and there are a number of patches of bright yellow winter aconites to be seen too. The weather may not be great but the mornings and evenings are becoming lighter and it is cheering to see these early signs of Spring coming through.
An early date for your diary: the Pantomime Players Summer production this year is 'Bleak Expectations' by Mark Evans, described as 'a riotous comedy classic'. Performances from Tuesday 13th-Saturday 17th May. Booking details next month.
If you are having a post-Christmas clear-out please remember that there are many charities who will be delighted to accept good quality items that you no longer need. We all get their bags dropped through our door so it's easy enough to bag up items and either drop them in to one of the many charity shops in town or, if you have a lot, to request a collection from home. Don't forget to GiftAid your donations if you are a UK tax payer - it's worth an extra 25% at no cost to you!
FOOD BANK DONATIONS Sadly there is an ever-growing need for the food banks in our local area, which are part of the Trussell Trust. If you are able to donate non-perishable food, toiletries or cleaning products they can be left in the box behind the hedge at 2 Saunders Lane.
'Keep Fit With Alma'
Tuesday afternoons in the Village Hall, 2-2.45pm, £3 per session
Sponsored by Walkington Age UK. NB. No session 4th February
Don't forget that contact information for most of the village facilities and organisations can either be found on this site or in the back of the paper edition of the Newsletter.
Please note that the phone number for the shop has changed.
It is now 01482 205359
We endeavour to deliver a copy of the Newsletter to every home in the village ten times a year, free of charge. This relies on a network of volunteers for distribution - if you would like to help with this, particularly if you live on one of the new developments, please get in touch.
Some regular activities:
* Monday morning 'Tea & Toast' 9-11am in the Methodist Schoolroom. Also coffee, toasted tea cakes, cold drinks for the children etc. A selection of newspapers plus the book-swap shelf. Always someone to chat to if you wish. A nice start to the week! No charge, make a donation if you wish.
* Keep Fit with Alma 2-2.45 in the Village Hall, £3 per session
* The Book Group meets monthly in the Dog & Duck at 7.30pm (details below)
* 'Pop-in' is ever popular, Thursday mornings in the Village Hall 10am - 12 noon. Entry just £1. All enquiries to Di Thompson 862496
* The Ladies Social Group meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month 7.30 for 7.45pm in the Village Hall. See below for details.
*Singalong Memories - just for fun! Alternate Tuesdays in the Methodist Schoolroom, 2-3.45pm (Next sessions: 11th February, 11th & 25th March). Admission £3 includes refreshments. Contact Sue Jenkinson 882188, Val/Mike Thompson 865249 or email [email protected]
Over recent years the 'Walkington What's On' Facebook page has become a
major source of information on just about anything that is going on in the daily life of the village. Lost and found, help or recommendations needed, it's all there!
The Walkington Newsletter - a village institution
Amazingly the Newsletter has been an integral part of the village for nearly 65 years! The first single-sheet edition was produced back in May 1960 by former village resident Norman Castle and his late wife Joan. It was forced to take a break for a few months during the worst of the Covid pandemic back but bounced back in May 2021. Long may it continue.
Don't forget that many of our local traders and businesses advertise in the Newsletter - please support them whenever you can.
For the June 2024 edition click here
For the July/August 2024 click here
For the September 2024 edition click here
For the October 2024 edition click here
For the November 2024 edition click here
For the Dec 2024/January 2025 edition click here
For the February 2025 edition click here
The Village Hall - to find out about facilities or to ask about bookings, contact Anne Hearne 01482 868310.
Outdoor sports and activities:
*Walkington bowls club. To find out more about the game and and your local club see the Bowls Club page in the Playing Fields section, or contact Pam Hardy 01482 887768.
*The Cricket club. See the Cricket page in the Playing Fields section for info about the club and the 2024 season.
Walkington Parish Council now has its own website:
www.walkingtonpc.co.uk where you can find out all about this essential part of our community's life and how you can contribute.
We will remember them
In 2014 villager Chris Elston published a small volume entitled 'Walkington Remembers' which was circulated to all recipients of the Newsletter. It contained information about each man on the Walkington WW1 Roll of Honour. Since then Chris has completed the task by researching the nine men who died in WW2 and the Korean War also a further five men with Walkington connections who served in WW1.
All of this information has been consolidated into a single volume, a leather-bound copy of which is to be kept in All Hallows church. It's contents can also be accessed by clicking the links below. Part 1 contains the introductory sections plus records of WW1 casualties while Part 2 contains WW2 casualty information, bibliography, acknowledgements etc.
Walkington Remembers Part 1
Walkington Remembers Part 2
Don't forget you can access the most recent editions of the full Walkington Newsletter on-line
(The latest edition is often available here before it comes through your door.)
Seeking premises to rent in the village for events or activities?
The Village Hall, school hall and the Methodist Schoolroom can all be hired:
to enquire about the Village Hall the contact is Mrs Anne Hearne (01482 868310), for the school hall it is 01482 861115 and for the Methodist Schoolroom it is Louisa Wardle (07527 925401).
Car Boot Sales
'Normal service' will run May - September, ie. First Sunday in the month from 7.00am, weather permitting, with the possibility of April and October sales on Saturdays, 11am-1pm. Details on the Playing Fields page. (website www.walkingtonpfa.org )
Get sporty in Walkington
Our village sports clubs always welcome new members or simply anyone who fancies trying out a new activity.
Do you play badminton? The Walkington Badminton Club is looking for new members. They normally meet in the school hall on Tuesday evenings, 8-10pm. Contact 01482 861112 for more info.
Walkington Bowls Club would also be delighted to welcome prospective new members. It's a great game for all ages and our club has one of the best greens in the county. Contact Pam Hardy 01482 887768
Finally, the Cricket Club page (in the Playing Fields & Sports Clubs section) has updated information, including contact details.
Other activities:
* Baby & Toddler Playgroup
Every Tuesday during term time, in the Village Hall,
9.30-11.30. £3 per family. Fee includes refreshments.
Facebook: @walkingtontuesdayplaygroup
* The Book Group
Meet at the Dog & Duck 7.30pm
Tuesday 4th February: Eating out together
Tuesday 4th March: 'The House of Doors' by Tan Twang Eng
Tuesday 1st April: '44 Scotland Street' by Alexander McCall Smith
Contact Kathryn on 861164 or Lorna on 871233 to find out more.
* Walkington Ladies Social Group
Meet in the Village Hall at 7.45 pm prompt on the second Wednesday of the month.
Doors open from 7.30pm
Next meetings/speakers:
Wednesday 12th February we will be 'Walkington the Source of the Humber' with speaker Sally George.
New members always welcome, entry £2. Contact: Mabel Beardsley 01482 870082
*Singalong Memories - just for fun!
Alternate Tuesdays in the Methodist Schoolroom, 2-3.45pm (see dates above). Admission £3 includes refreshments. Contact Sue Jenkinson 882188, Val/Mike Thompson 865249 or email [email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------------
Do you have oil-fired central heating? Unfortunately the LWRC oil-buying cooperative closed after several successful years. If you know of an alternative provider in the area (or are brave enough to set up a new one) please let us know
so we can spread the word. Buying collectively can save a significant sum on each purchase so is very worth-while.
Re Ancestors page in the History section. We are happy to add new requests or update old ones at any time, and would love to hear of any family history success stories relevant to the village.
Please let us know if you have any comments about the site, or suggestions for improvements.
To see a 'slide show' tour of the village and surrounding area, go to the About Us page, which also gives an update on current weather conditions in the area.
For those who may be researching their family history or simply have an interest in our village in times past, take a look at the History section of the site. This includes the Ancestors page, an opportunity for researchers to request help in tracing their forbears. Let us know if you can help or would like to add a request.
Odds and Ends
Car Boot Sales
See the Events and Playing Field & Sports Clubs pages.
This website brings together lots of information about the village of Walkington. Some of the content duplicates what is to be found in the Walkington Newsletter, which is published and distributed to every household in the village ten times a year. For example, church service times and details of up-coming events. However, if you explore the various sections listed on the left, you will find items about all aspects of the village, its social life and its history.
If you have found the site useful, or have a story about the village which you would like to share, please let us know.
The Walkington Newsletter - 60 years and counting!
There was a special 50th anniversary edition of the Newsletter in May 2010: there are still copies available (for a small charge) so contact us if you would like to have one.
Unfortunately the 60th birthday fell in May 2020, in the depth of coronavirus lockdown, when no edition was produced. Indeed the date would probably have gone unremarked but for the excellent memory of co-founder Norman Castle, who (with his late wife Joan) was responsible for the first single-page edition back in 1960.
The Walkington Newsletter has for over 60 years been a vital source of local information as well as a way for everyone in the village to keep up to date with local events. It is entirely staffed by volunteers and distributed free of charge to every home in the village.
This website edition has for more than twenty years provided an opportunity for regular updates about what is happening between issues of the Walkington Newsletter and also enables the many organisations within the village to give more information about their activities than would normally be possible. I am aware that some of these items are out of date. If organisation representatives wish to contact me with up-dated information I will be delighted to add it to their page or create a new page for them if they are not already represented here.
Pam Hardy (web editor)
Alan Hardy, who was the creator and original caretaker of
this website, sadly passed away in September 2008.
Contact Us
If you have any comments, suggestions or contributions please use the feedback form to send messages directly to us. If you would like a page about your club or association please let us know.
Copyright: All content copyright Alan & Pam Hardy 2006-2024