The Parish Council
Meetings All meetings are open to the public and the Parish Council welcomes the attendance of residents to let the Council have your views on a subject under debate. Provided the Council agree (and they usually do) residents can speak on items on the published agenda.
Minutes of the most recent Parish Council meeting are always published in the Newsletter, posted on the Parish Council Notice Boards and are available on the Parish Council website. This also includes the date, time and venue of the next meeting. Meetings commence at 7.00pm and are held in the Methodist Schoolroom on the first Tuesday in the month, except in August.
Council Meetings – Public Involvement
You can have your say on items that would not otherwise be on the agenda, but you need to contact our Clerk either by telephone (01964 623536) or email ([email protected]) at least 10 days before a meeting so that a specific item can be included on the agenda.
Parish Notice Boards - Keys
Parish Council notices are displayed on the noticeboards outside the Village Hall and on Megson Way, Broadgate
Please note that anyone wishing to place leaflets publicising community events on the Parish Notice Boards should contact the key holder Mrs Vivien Swann (01482 867677)
Fly Tipping
The Parish Council would like to remind all residents about the impact of fly tipping.
Fly tipping is a criminal activity that can cause serious pollution of the environment, can be a risk to human health and can harm wildlife and farm animals. It spoils the appearance of the village and quality of life and is costly to clear up.
Any residents that have any knowledge of someone fly tipping should pass the details to Rob Parkinson at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council on 01482 395582 who will carry out the necessary investigations.
The Walkington Parish Emergency Plan
An updated version of this will be available soon.
Meetings All meetings are open to the public and the Parish Council welcomes the attendance of residents to let the Council have your views on a subject under debate. Provided the Council agree (and they usually do) residents can speak on items on the published agenda.
Minutes of the most recent Parish Council meeting are always published in the Newsletter, posted on the Parish Council Notice Boards and are available on the Parish Council website. This also includes the date, time and venue of the next meeting. Meetings commence at 7.00pm and are held in the Methodist Schoolroom on the first Tuesday in the month, except in August.
Council Meetings – Public Involvement
You can have your say on items that would not otherwise be on the agenda, but you need to contact our Clerk either by telephone (01964 623536) or email ([email protected]) at least 10 days before a meeting so that a specific item can be included on the agenda.
Parish Notice Boards - Keys
Parish Council notices are displayed on the noticeboards outside the Village Hall and on Megson Way, Broadgate
Please note that anyone wishing to place leaflets publicising community events on the Parish Notice Boards should contact the key holder Mrs Vivien Swann (01482 867677)
Fly Tipping
The Parish Council would like to remind all residents about the impact of fly tipping.
Fly tipping is a criminal activity that can cause serious pollution of the environment, can be a risk to human health and can harm wildlife and farm animals. It spoils the appearance of the village and quality of life and is costly to clear up.
Any residents that have any knowledge of someone fly tipping should pass the details to Rob Parkinson at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council on 01482 395582 who will carry out the necessary investigations.
The Walkington Parish Emergency Plan
An updated version of this will be available soon.