Village events
Walkington Playing Fields Association
Car Boot Sales All proceeds from pitch fees go to the Playing Fields Charity. 2023 season: WEATHER & FIELD CONDITIONS PERMITTING Saturday 15th April 11.00am. Sunday 14th May 7.00am June-September sales on 1st Sunday of the month, start time 7.00am. **If in doubt about the weather, please call the message line on 07981 272644 or check out their website: Volunteers to park cars or help in any way are always welcome! Please report to the playing fields from 6am (or anytime before 10am will still be appreciated). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age UK Pop-In Thursday mornings 10.00-12.00 in the Village Hall PLUS Come and join us for 'Chairobics' Gentle exercise to music with Alma Increase mobility Improve general health Tuesdays 14.00 to 15.00 in Walkington Village Hall £1.50 including light refreshments. Enquiries to Alma (867705) or Walkington Pop-In secretary Di Thomson (862496) |
Mobile Library Service for Walkington
The Travelling Library is open fortnightly on Thursdays at Walkington Village Hall from 1.50 - 4.20pm. See the Library page in the Social Groups section for more information, or call 01482 392589. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- East Riding County Choir For information about the choir visit or tel. 01482 841365 |