Walkington Bowling Club
Club Information
Walkington Bowling Club is an outdoor flat green bowling club.
There is an annual membership fee and as a member you are welcome to join with all the bowling offered at the club.
The bowling season runs from April to September (weather dependent)
Chairman: John Bridges (07935 303555)
Secretary : Mike Rogerson (01482 888591)
Ladies Captain: Niki Mitchell (01482 868252)
Men's Captain: Jim Robinson (01482 845813)
The 2024 season begins with the Green-opening Coffee Morning & Raffle on Saturday 13th April at 11.00am, when we hope plenty of folk will come along to see the first woods of the season delivered and the club flags raised.
The annual Bowls England Big Bowls Weekend: our club will be taking part in this national event on Sunday 26th May 2024 10am-2pm when we hope to welcome anybody who fancies 'having a go' at the game.
The club is of course happy to welcome prospective new members at any time. Contact any of the officials listed above, they will be happy to arrange a trial session for you. All you need bring is a flat pair of shoes!
Social Bowling sessions take place on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the season, 1.45pm for 2pm start. ALL members are welcome at these sessions.
For more information head over to our new website: www.walkingtonbowlingclub.co.uk
Walkington Bowling Club History:
Walkington Bowling Club was formed on 31st January 1977 on land leased from the Sherwood Charity (now Sherwood & Waudby Charity).
Funds to complete the laying of the green were provided by the Playing Field committee.
In 1977 the annual fees to play bowls were £6 per person.
Funds for subsequent work to build the original clubhouse and two further extensions were raised through the Playing Field committee and the Bowling Club committee.